A blog about technical stuff

Jan Katins

BI Engineer @ kfzteile24.de | Python enthusiast (knitpy, pandas, statsmodels, matplotlib, ggplot, pypandoc) | PhD student @ TU Freiberg (bibliometrics, academic research productivity, social networks, social capital) | Private homepage (de) | formerly Jan Schulz


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Oct 26, 2017 » Workarounds for TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -=: 'Retry' and 'int'
Oct 23, 2016 » Python data pipelines similar to R's '%>%'
Jan 26, 2016 » Python development on Windows: making it comfortable
Jan 24, 2016 » How to refresh conda patches
Nov 14, 2015 » Demo mode for IPython (works in the notebook)
Oct 22, 2015 » Automatic building of python wheels and conda packages
Sep 26, 2015 » More functions for working with JSON data / nested structures
Sep 18, 2015 » Two functions for working with JSON/dicts
Sep 13, 2015 » Welcome to my Blog